Legal notice

You are currently connected to the website, edited by FINANCIERE LX S.A.

Publisher.  FINANCIERE LX S.A., société anonyme existing under the laws of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.
-    Registered office: 43-45 rue Glesener, L-1631 Luxembourg.
-    Registered with the Luxembourg Trade and companies registrer under number B65114.
-    VAT number: LU30056209
-    Phone number: +352 26483048
-    Email address:

Hosting of the website. The website is hosted by OVH, Gravelines, France.

Purpose of the website.  The purpose of this website is to present the activities (excluding any sale or provision of online services) of the Groupe Fondamental to which FINANCIERE LX S.A. belongs. "Groupe Fondamental" means companies whose control is directly or indirectly held by Mr. Denis Dumont and/or Mr. Florent Rey.

Intellectual property and counterfeiting. FINANCIERE LX S.A. owns the intellectual property rights or holds the rights to use all the elements accessible on the website, including texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, software. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited without the prior written permission of FINANCIERE LX S.A. Any unauthorized use of the website or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and is liable to penalties provided for by law.

Limitation of Liability. FINANCIERE LX S.A. ensures the availability of the website. However, FINANCIERE LX S.A. cannot be held responsible for temporary or total unavailability of the website due to maintenance or improvements made to it, or for technical reasons that are not attributable to it. 

FINANCIERE LX S.A. makes it best effort to ensure the best security of the computer system. It cannot be held liable in the event of an attack on the computer system.

FINANCIERE LX S.A. makes its best effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on the website and possibly published online via other communication channels. However, it cannot be held responsible, in particular in the event of inaccuracies, gaps or errors in the information provided on this site, in particular in the event of failure to update information or a form or in the event of errors in system handling or encoding.

Personal data. The collection and use of your personal data is governed by our Privacy Policy.

Applicable law and jurisdiction. Any dispute relating to the use of this website will be subject to Luxembourg law and will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district of Luxembourg City.